2.03 Capicúa
Luca Salas Bassani Antivari

La luz como aplicación gráfica de intervención y percepción. Una serie metodología de la aplicación de la luz como obstrucción de características físicas del objeto. La pieza inicial se usa como la base física de intervención en su formato de imagen. La imagen es la abstracción del aparato de alto contraste convertida en una serie de filtros que crean una nueva imagen y por ende dandole un acento a los momentos creados por los filtros de la pieza original.
Formato de trabajo es a través de lo digital. A falta del objeto físico se trabaja con la abstracción digital del mismo. Obteniendo altos contrastes escenificados de simples aparatos.
—Luca Salas Bassani Antivari
Light as the graphic application of intervention and perception. A methodological series of the application of light as obstruction of the object’s physical characteristics. The initial piece is used as a physical base of intervention in its format as image. The image is the abstraction of the instrument of high contrast converted through a series of filters that create a new image and thereby accentuate the moments created by the filters of the original piece.
The work is created by digital means. Lacking a physical object, I worked with its digital abstraction, which allowed me to stage high contrasts by simple means.
—Luca Salas Bassani Antivari
Luca Salas Bassani Antivari is an architectural designer and lighting specialist. Born in Mexico City, he studied architecture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, Holland and then the Master in Lighting Design and Technology Led Consorzio from the Design Polytechnic in Milan, Italy. His fascination with the world of lighting and architecture began with the interaction in a social space in which visual perception was used as a link between technologies and sensations.
In 2017 he was named 40 under 40 Light Designer of the world by Light Magazine in London. In 2018, he received the Master of Light 2018 award for the Construlita Awards as well as the Best Lighting Award in public spaces. He has been a Scholar of the Fondo de Cultura Economica FONCA in his program of Young Creators 2017-2018 with the Guia de la Luz natural project in the city of Mexico. Since 2014, Luca has established himself in Mexico City, continuing his consulting in lighting, materials and architectural spaces, increasing his experience to improve his knowledge in the field of interior design and lighting architecture and practice his skills.